We’re just about halfway through 2015 — a good time to take a step back and look at the trends that are rapidly changing the world of healthcare. From mobile and social to consumerization and price transparency, innovations that were introduced in previous years are now pervasive and poised to become universal in the years to come.
This infographic from Perficient.com highlights 10 of the big-picture trends that are upending the way patients interact with the healthcare system, what providers will need to do to engage them and the increasing role technology will play in the process. And while several of them relate to hospitals and other large enterprises, they also provide a heads-up for smaller practices that hope to be around in 2016 and beyond:
Doctor Takeaway
For patients, surgical procedures are just one part of a larger, longer process
Back-end technology aside, the common thread of the above trends is that patients have more ways than ever to connect with providers, which, in turn, leads to the obvious conclusion that they’re likely to gravitate toward those providers who can — and do — engage with them through the channels they choose. That, in turn, means that doctors need to engage with aesthetic consumers for the long haul, i.e., both before and after care. After all, while the average healthcare consumer spends just 1% of their time in the care setting, it’s the other 99% determines whether they maintain their health — and whether they return to you for subsequent care or look somewhere else.